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Les Arts, 1898
Femme à la rose, 1900
New York
Untitled (Rust/Green), 1975
Untitled (Chat Debout), 1930
Red Bird, 1996
Chrysis Figurine
Lilies, April 1992, 1992
Madame Letellier, 1890
Mythological scene with Centaur and F…, 1954
Kinetic Sculpture (Melody), 2006
Untitled, 2012
351 Zion, 1975
Versos 10-06-06, 2010
Les yeux verts, 1900
Acanthus, July 1992, 1990
Rockefeller, 1968
Untitled (Chat Reposant), 1930
Messengers, 1890
Tulips, August 1990, 1990
The Saint from Above
Versos 10-03-03, 2010
Golden Temple, 2002
Yellow Peppers, September 1993, 1993
Elegante de Face, 1890
Untitled 03, 2013
Shaolin Swirl
Exchanging the White Goose for the Cl…, 2010
Untitled Wall Sculpture, 1994
Cypress, 1995
Versos 10-03-02, 2010
Pineapple Eaters in Venice, 1998